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BLOG - upmess | graphic design

Wiggly tooth

Date : January 11, 2018
Wiggly tooth

Her first tooth came out before she was 5. Now, still before 5, she has two more wiggly teeth. Isn’t it a bit early? Oh, Athena, what is that rush to grow up? Don’t you know? Growing up is inevitable!

Τongue twister

Date : January 10, 2018
Τongue twister

Today’s day is like a tongue twister. Trying to untangle the words, they tangle more. A duck but what a duck, a duck with ducklings (Greek tongue twister). Again … Faster….

Shiny, happy people

Date : January 8, 2018
Shiny, happy people

Another urban walk in the cool but bright plain. Throughout the miserable situation we live in, I met many shiny, happy people. And that’s comforting, though temporary. I remembered my teacher in writing who was saying that happiness is small moments to be measured. At that time I did not understand what it meant. Now I believe I do.

Different types

Date : January 5, 2018
Different types

Lately, there have been different types of people every time I open the sketchbook to design. I do not know who they are or what they have to say. This one has gone weirdly mad. I will keep distances. I might…


Date : January 4, 2018

How much more meat to eat? Christmas, New Year. Christos’s, Stefanos’s, Vasilis’s name days …
Our muscles have grown from protein, we do not eat any lentils and if we do we are hungry within an hour.
Yesterday I opened the fridge, I took the turkey with potatoes out to eat and everything smelled meaty. Disgust.
And the radishes I ended up eating looked like caviar.

The mustache

Date : December 16, 2017

Salvador Dali once said:
What is important is to spread confusion, not to eliminate it.

And continued:
Since I don’t smoke, I decided to grow a mustache -it is better for the health. However, I always carried a jewel-studded cigarette case in which, instead of tobacco, were carefully placed several mustaches, Adolphe Menjou style. I offered them politely to my friends. “Mustache? Mustache? Mustache?” Nobody dared to touch them. This was my test regarding the sacred aspect of mustaches.


Date : October 30, 2017


Two hours at the water supply company, another couple of hours at the bank, one hour at the telecommunications store, all of these to pay bills. Hundreds of people everywhere, arguing, fighting. Two times in the same row then bank system goes down, everybody complains, no transaction then the chaos. Back to the office, site and office are being renewed, everything in its wrong place, a mess. For some reason, my intuition protected me all this crazy day. So, I kept laughing and muttering “whatever” no matter the mess.


Disparately Similar

Date : October 29, 2017
Disparately Similar


I was observing a bunch of grapes (I can be a creepy weirdo) and I did the parallelism. Each one of us is different, other happy and exuberant, other miserable and pessimistic, other rotten and completely elusive. But we all hang under the same bunch, staffed all together, disparately similar.
Everydayness is my graphic diary.



Waiting for Codot

Date : October 28, 2017
Waiting for Codot

Father and mother, waiting in the rain for Codot (pronounced konto, means short in Greek) to parade. All went well, but I just lost the video. Fucking technology !@#$%^**

S H I T!


Date : October 27, 2017


Today, Everydayness becomes 3 months old. Like 3 months old children it took a lot of effort, care, and attention but it also gave me a lot of joy. Life goes on (fortunately) and Everydayness grows. Us too. Everydayness is my graphic diary.


Circle Lake

Date : October 26, 2017
Circle Lake


There are many days that a thought comes and sticks in the mind (of course there are also days when no thought comes). And this has nothing to do with what you experience or think or feel. I simply wore a blouse with swans this morning. My mind took me to the swan lake which I associated verbally (in Greek) with the expression “circle lake” and then I visualized the expression. And that`s it. Void thinking, void drawing. No reason.
“Everydayness” is my graphic diary.

New 4D technology

Date : October 24, 2017
New 4D technology

New product! Eyewear for 4 dimensions. You see the past, the present, the future, and afterlife. So you do not need anything else. You save time and money. Do you want to go for a coffee with your friends to talk about new, stunning facts in their lives? No need! Put on the 4D glasses and know them all. Futurologists, psychics, even the cinema are over. Put your glasses and you know from the trailer the end of the movie! With the new 4D glasses you’re far beyond!

The Hideout

Date : October 23, 2017
The Hideout

When I was young together with my friends we had built our own hiding place. There are many occasions that I go back to it. It is small, peaceful and secure. There is enough light and is difficult to find. It offers some kind of carefreeness.



The target

Date : October 22, 2017
The target

A. The point to which someone is pointing the missile, the shot to strike.
B. For someone or something to which an aggressive, hostile behavior is directed.
At any time and where you are not expecting it, you may become the target. So, be aware!



Date : October 20, 2017

Today I bought a newspaper with an inset on Egyptian mythology. I remembered how much I like Egyptian art and I said to do some drawings these days …

Books are quiet

Date : October 19, 2017
Books are quiet

I am not much of a reader. I would even say that I am quite queer with books. But one thing I’ve noticed and loved is that wherever there are books (library, reading cafe, home or office library) it is quiet. And quietness comforts me. Plus the feeling that time does not exist.

Animal Kingdom

Date : October 17, 2017
Animal Kingdom

Every day I see more and more clearly what they say that humans have characteristic of some animals. Many times we realize we belong to more than one species. I have not cleared yet. For ourselves, it is harder to say. For some people around us, it’s easier to say.


Date : October 16, 2017

I heard that expression from a relative of mine (Pamela) about 20 years ago. I don’t know if it is being used anymore, or if it is old-fashioned. But it amuses me because I visualize it every time I use it.

Drama Queen

Date : October 14, 2017
Drama Queen

Dedicated to all girls (older or younger) who are kind of dramatic.
I was too a drama queen in the long past. It worked, especially with my father. My mother would catch it due to her personal experience. And me, as an ex-drama queen, I can easily tell when my daughter uses drama tricks. I don’t need these stuff anymore. It is quite dramatic from times to times, so I’d better lighten it rather than let it drag me down.


Date : October 13, 2017

It is those times that you have to decide yes or no knowing that neither will have devastating consequences. And it is your guts that say “yes” and the logic or the boredom that says “no”. Well, I always believed why not? And either I won or lost it does not matter. Because what’s finally left is that at least I did not say no, I always chose yes.

Eat, drink and laugh

Date : October 12, 2017
Eat, drink and laugh

Today’s “Everydayness” is the combination of 2 thoughts. One is Chara’s Orfanidou thought (whom I don’t know personally, but I saw that post of hers on Instagram that went like that: “Smile! Tomorrow you may lose your front tooth”). The other was my own thought where I remembered that perfect, dark, folk song that says, “Eat and drink and have fun, those who pass on the other side never come back.” For some reason, the combination entertained me a lot!


Date : October 10, 2017

“Looseness is half nobility”, my partner at work said once. So I said to draw it, then print it on post-its and stick it everywhere just not to forget. Especially this period.


Date : October 9, 2017

Today was full of work. Among all those things that I did was to try out a color palette. Finally, a patchwork came out. You got it… patch & Work… (bad joke :))

Thorough cleaning

Date : October 8, 2017
Thorough cleaning

Here in the plain, when the north wind blows and has a sunshine (as it is today), I see the most beautiful colors of the world. The north wind probably pushes this moisture veil away and the atmosphere clears so much that you think last night there was a thorough cleaning. The color that dominates is green. In all shades. A wonderful, advertising Sunday!


Date : October 7, 2017

Step 1: Κnowledge (From Wikipedia)
Physiological or biological stress is an organism’s response to a stressor such as an environmental condition. Stress is the body’s method of reacting to a challenge. Stimuli that alter an organism’s environment are responded to by multiple systems in the body.
Step 2: know in
Ok, It’s been worse, but I can say that this is also a stressed period and I feel like a cubist painting. My name could be Picatsu.


Date : October 6, 2017

Several years ago I had designed this innovative product. It is called “Odontodeker” (compound word: odonto/dental & deker/word termination for mechanical devices). Eventually, someone got there first and the electric toothbrushes were slowly released (Isn’t the name “Odontodeker” much more creative that “electric toothbrush”?). My plan was to the unclaimed because no one ever saw it. But even though it would have been seen, it may have ended up to the unclaimed… Anyway, the reasons why I present my “Odontodeker” today are: not to forget that ιt is better for someone else to reject your plan than yourself, that you should not be ashamed of things you like to do and that if you combine the two above, there will inevitably be some sort of evolution.


Date : October 5, 2017

OMG, how on earth will I translate that! Sorry in advance…
First of all, I must say that this translation is really funny for a Greek.
So, “I took them to the skull” is an expression we use in Greece to say that we are terribly pissed off.

There are some people who are permanently brash. Everybody, more or less, becomes brash occasionally. But what I am talking about is that particular category of permanently spoiled (shall I say?), audacious (shall I say?) or simply selfish little humans, who with mathematical precision make you become an “ITOOKTHEMTOTHESKULL” person. On the other hand, fortunately, they exist so we don’t have to vent at home.

Hieroglyphics swearing

Date : October 4, 2017
Hieroglyphics swearing

“Oh no, no! Don’t swear in front of the children!” “It’s not appropriate to swear in front of the customers.” “He is just an employee, don’t swear at him!” “Girls shouldn’t swear like that, shame on you!”
So, there you are, a hieroglyphics swear, with love! Posh.


Date : October 3, 2017

I don’t remember, have I mentioned it before… I am a Sagittarius. So, as you understand, it is up to when I lock the target.
And yes, understandable, this may not matter you at all (apart from a few Sagittariuses), but hey, you are here in “Everydayness”, my graphic diary.



Head broken

Date : October 2, 2017
Head broken

The Egg: Symbol of creation, health, prosperity, rebirth, and for the Jews a symbol of promise. All right here and I’m fine with that.
But, how to solve all these practical issues that lead to rebirth is a puzzler.
Luckily, there are the experts.

True, fairy tales

Date : October 1, 2017
True, fairy tales

Today is the storyteller, who, as our beloved storyteller Maria Katsanouli says: he is lying, but tells the truth!
And especially the last week of September for me was full of -not by coincidence, I believe- myths and fairy tales that were true.

The petite heroe

Date : September 29, 2017
The petite heroe

Today, along with many other big heroes, I became a petite one. Mission accomplished this Friday too: 660klm driving in 7 hours.
But, it is Friday and everything is fine!!!



Date : September 28, 2017

I once again realized I don’t have an umbrella. Every year the same situation. They either brake or enter into another dimension and disappear. That’s a mystery…
Bollocks, I’ll go buy another one.

The load

Date : September 27, 2017
The load

I have been carrying a large load for quite some time. I just managed to stabilize it and lift it up a little higher. Luckily, my friends and family help me. A little more and I’ll be able to push it even further. Not that it won’t ground me once it gets heavier again… Does fighting ever end?

“Everydayness” today is 2 months old!




Date : September 26, 2017

People come to you for a reason. So Ralph came to me today, with his magic hands and his sparkling eyes, and taught me this: To be aware not to be absent while being present in my own ship, to meet myself sometime – somewhere, to accept immortality and most of all not to become a silly Hollander.


Date : September 25, 2017

Today it is grey. I like it though, as it is the first of the plenty grey days that will come, in this corner of the plain. So, our mood has not faded yet.


Date : September 24, 2017

We all need to pause sometimes. If that button wasn’t necessary, it wouldn’t have existed. We need to freeze the picture and until we get back, not to miss the scene, the song, the plot. But…. just a minute…. I’ll be back s o o n …..         c   o   m   i   n   g  !….         i   n            a            w     h      i      l       e           -e        e           e

The next tone

Date : September 23, 2017
The next tone

There are some situations that change every 10 seconds. Developments are staggering, the suspense grows even if you know that there will be a happy end. But will it be? Or the director will change his mind to make an overturning? Cliche, but life is like a movie. And we never know what will happen on the next tone.

Depressed Mode

Date : September 22, 2017
Depressed Mode

Today, at work I was a bit down. “I see…” said my friend, colleague, brother, Thanasis who knows me inside out. He opens youtube, hits the play button and says: “I thought I should play Depeche Mode because I see you are in a Depressed Mode.” LOL! I LOVE that person!

Letter to Dimitris

Date : September 21, 2017
Letter to Dimitris

The anniversary is when we looked at each other. But I do not remember exactly when was our first day, I guess it always has been… I know you remember everything, I am the goldfish in this relationship. However, the day we celebrated with friends and beloved ones -and a priest- was exactly 9 years ago. Whenever we think about it, we wonder: 9 years? No way! Maximum 2-3 years. Isn`t it fun that it seems so short? Or is it that I am a goldfish?


Date : September 18, 2017

I saw a medusa today in the sea. It was not a simple jellyfish, but a big Medusa.
Curious creatures, they are… But, at least I was lucky enough to go to the sea, late September, on a Monday, with 40 degrees heat!


Date : September 17, 2017

The reason I love Athens is probably that I have it in my mind as an old Greek movie.
On my walks in Athens, I am searching little things left from the old days.
It is a big city. Big enough to find remains.

The bump

Date : September 16, 2017
The bump

Note: Yes, today’s Everydayness can also be considered a political positioning.

Small-elder hit and make bumps, only for 2 reasons. Either because of our own fault or by someone else`s.
The treatment in the bump is ice, and in the fault, the change.
And not to forget, Everydayness is our graphic diary.


Date : September 15, 2017

(on the drawing: What`s that -all of a sudden- mess?)
It’s some days that start perfectly and then, all of a sudden and tragically cinematically they become confused. I have this book at my office, it’s called “good fairies and bad fairies. Today I think I was visited by the elf that brings confusion. I have to find his name.

A tree that grows hearts

Date : September 13, 2017
A tree that grows hearts

There are people who are like trees. Stable, rooted -granted I would say-, generous. The trees live out and endure all the conditions in all seasons. One would say (from another perspective) that they chose to be self-punished. But, that is their nature.
I have a tree in my house that grows hearts. She is called “Eftichia” (means Felicity) and she is my mother.
“I am a tree that grows hearts” is my favorite verse, of my beloved artist Bjork, from my beloved Bachelorette.

Twisted person

Date : September 12, 2017
Twisted person

Finally, I’m a “twisted” person. My mother was right about that. In the 1st Primary school seemed very small, I was not afraid, but I had a passion. I felt like a giant, like Alice in Wonderland, which is a favorite reading. Day after day I was getting smaller. By the 3rd Lyceum, I had become an ant and the school swallowed me.


Date : September 11, 2017

In Greek, we often call Mondays “Shoemaker-Monday”. We mean that it is a heavy duty day and thus, we feel stressed hearing that word.
But most of us do not know this: The “Shoemaker-Monday” was a holiday of the shoemakers after Sunday! Ultimately, it is good to know all the angles before deciding which way to look.

The trip

Date : September 10, 2017
The trip

I dedicate today’s Everydayness to my father who loves nature, land, and growers. I believe that if he wasn’t a lawyer, he would surely be a farmer of choice.
With my father, we have been making a trip for the past 3 years. Once in 21 days, I get in the driver’s seat, we cross the plain, we change counties and reach the capital. Again back in the afternoon. During the whole trip, my father observes and describes changes in nature, plants, and farmers doing various jobs. And every time he sends a tear of love. It seems that nature appreciated it and has been pretty fair to him …

September on the plain

Date : September 9, 2017
September on the plain

In September, on the plain, you see the farmers vine harvesting, gathering cotton, corn, tobacco, fruit, and vegetables…
September is nice for a car ride on the plain. It is still hot and very-very “active”.


Date : September 7, 2017

“What shall I do? Go this way or that way?”
Dilemmas exist in our everydayness. Some days dilemmas are harsh. So what should I do today?

Upside down day for Giannis

Date : September 6, 2017
Upside down day for Giannis

“Upside down day today. I deserve an ice cream” OR “Upside down day today. I deserve a Lawenbrau”
We all deserve something of these upside-down days. So, I’ll have an ice cream and my friend and colleague, Giannis Bekos, a Lawenbrau (the old ones will remember the advertisement’s slogan).

Full moon pizza

Date : September 5, 2017
Full moon pizza

Is today full moon? Or tomorrow? I do not know. However, we have a gathering tonight at Mary’s house and we are eating pizza. Outside, thick drops fall from the sky and the full moon is tangled with the clouds, it shows and disappears, perfectly round and tasty like the pizza.

Upside down day today

Date : September 4, 2017
Upside down day today

“Upside down day today. I deserve an ice cream” OR “Upside down day today. I deserve a Lawenbrau”
We all deserve something of these upside-down days. So, I’ll have an ice cream and my friend and colleague, Giannis Bekos, a Lawenbrau (the old ones will remember the advertisement’s slogan).

This guy is telling me something

Date : September 3, 2017
This guy is telling me something

Last night, I opened my sketchbook to make an “Everydayness”. This guy appeared. He was telling me something, but I didn’t understand a word.
Everydayness” is a personal project where I visualize a mood, a thought, an experience for every day.



Coffee – problem

Date : September 2, 2017
Coffee – problem

“A double espresso, sweet, brown sugar, milk, and ice please”
I have read somewhere that if your coffee order is more than four words, then you are a problem.
Ok, I admit it…

What is it? …Nothing.

Date : September 1, 2017
What is it? …Nothing.

Boys, watch what may happen in your girl’s mind (even in her body) when you ask, “What’s the matter?” and they answer: “… Nothing.”
The truth is that we are a little complicated, but I think the secret is the experience. We see it as we grow older and mature, we find our ways of co-existing the two sexes.
Until then … Courage boys!


Date : August 30, 2017

Insomnia strikes red some days. That’s when the mind makes a lot of trees and you think the whole world will become rooted.
Only a book, a plan, and an airplane (or even better rocket) will save me.
To get away.

Everydayness gets a visual identity

Date : August 27, 2017
Everydayness gets a visual identity

The project “Everydayness” is one month old today, so I decided to give it a “present”. Namely, a visual identity. So, I designed the logo. The project I have loved a lot, makes me commit myself, so I decided to give it a form, a character. As autumn approaches, the responsibilities are multiplied. And the project itself demands quite a lot of my daily time. So let’s see how long I can keep it. I will continue heading for the second month.



Date : August 26, 2017

Yesterday we were having a beer and Athena (my 4y.o. daughter) was eating chips.
At some point, she said to me holding a half chip: Mom, look, a moon-chip!
Oh, I love that imagination!

Retro days

Date : August 22, 2017
Retro days

There are days that are retro. Something about the office soundtrack, some movie you saw recently or a conversation you had with someone about the old days… These retro days, as tedious as they are, offer me a relief in the end.

Wrong recipe

Date : August 21, 2017
Wrong recipe

Yesterday we returned home after a week and we did not even have bread.
I said to make, but it was a disaster… Wrong recipe
So, I contributed to nature by feeding the birds.


The bubble

Date : August 18, 2017
The bubble

The emptiness eventually led to anxiety crisis. That night I went out to the balcony. I was chewing a gum. I made a bubble and my eye caught the growing shadow. I said, at some point, it will burst… Won`t it?

Το κενό

Date : August 15, 2017
Το κενό

There are days where the absolute void dominates. I do not know about others, but I need it to restart.
But I’m committed to a drawing a day, so I said to fill that gap.



Date : August 12, 2017

It is when your beautiful reality, with its infinite “boxes”, exhausts you.
Thanks to Evi Kyriakou for allowing me to remix her inspiring photo.
Technique: Drawing based on photography, ink, collage, processing on a PC.

Buying you coffee in vintage cup

Date : July 28, 2017
Buying you coffee in vintage cup

Translating the message of the artwork & the post:
“Greek coffee, in vintage cup, on the house! Preorder…tel no OR come by – because otherwise, you won`t be able to drink it. Limited number of vintage cups.”
No kidding… I am making you the best Greek coffee ever! This is an invitation and an everyday practice for my eyes and hands. Meet me (Gina) and my everyday-ness from a series of sketches.

COOP by Keith Negley

Category : Archives, Various
Date : February 3, 2017
COOP by Keith Negley

Keith Negley is an illustrator/ artist/children’s book author living in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest. His work has appeared on book covers, children’s books, t-shirts, album covers, posters, skateboard decks, and watches, and he is a frequent contributor to The New York Times and New Yorker as well as many other national magazines and newspapers.

Exhibition – Flying over the Abyss

Category : Archives, Various
Date : January 5, 2017

Curator | Dimitris Palaiocrassas and Maria Marangou

NEON’s exhibition ‘Flying over the Abyss’, previously presented at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Crete, now tours at the Contemporary Art Centre of Thessaloniki, of the State Museum of Contemporary Art. The exhibition is curated by Dimitris Paleocrassas and Maria Marangou.

The selection of the participating artists, both international and Greek, is influenced by ‘Ascesis: The Saviors of Gods’ (Ασκητική), the spiritual exercises written by the renowned Cretan thinker, Nikos Kazantzakis. The exhibition will establish a creative dialogue among the artists’ works and the essay, tracing the enlightenment of a human life’s pathway, from the time of birth ‘till death.  The original manuscript of Ascesis will be on display – a courtesy of The Nikos Kazantzakis Museum – and it is presented in Thessaloniki for the first time.

The exhibition includes works from the following artists:  Marina Abramović | Alexis Akrithakis | Matthew Barney | Hans Bellmer | Lynda Benglis | John Bock | Louise Bourgeois | Heidi Bucher | Helen Chadwick | Savvas Christodoulides | Abraham Cruzvillegas | Robert Gober | Asta Gröting | Jim Hodges | Jenny Holzer | Kostas Ioannidis | Mike Kelley | William Kentridge | Martin Kippenberger | Sophia Kosmaoglou |  Sherrie Levine | Stathis Logothetis | Ana Mendieta | Maro Michalakakos | Doris Salcedo | Kiki Smith | Costas Tsoclis | Mark Wallinger

Optical Illusions

Category : Archives, Various
Date : May 24, 2016
Optical Illusions

From the Wikipedia:
An optical illusion (also called a visual illusion) is characterized by visually perceived images that differ from objective reality. The information gathered by the eye is processed in the brain to give a perception that does not tally with a physical measurement of the stimulus source. There are three main types: literal optical illusions that create images that are different from the objects that make them, physiological illusions that are the effects of excessive stimulation of a specific type (brightness, colour, size, position, tilt, movement), and cognitive illusions, the result of unconscious inferences. Pathological visual illusions arise from a pathological exaggeration in physiological visual perception mechanisms causing the aforementioned types of illusions.

optical illusion 8

optical illusion 7

optical illusion 6

optical illusion 5

optical illusion 4

Spring on my way to work

Category : Archives, Various
Date : March 31, 2016
Spring on my way to work

Some snapshots of my way from home to work. That is when I am on foot…
Not bad… hey?! I think that I`ll never get bored of my neighbourhood.
Oh, and the nature has gone mad!

Μερικές μέρες πηγαίνω στη δουλειά με τα πόδια. Πέντε λεπτάκια και η διαδρομή είναι περίπου αυτή.
Καθόλου άσχημα, ε?! Νομίζω ότι δεν θα βαρεθώ ποτέ τη γειτονιά μου.
Και η φύση έχει ξεφύγει εντελώς!!












Category : Archives, Various
Date : March 23, 2016

Last Sunday there was Fellini’s Casanova on tv. How do you judge such a masterpiece? You just want to watch it many times – and all his other movies – try to understand all the signified, analyze the symbolism, meet his visual angle. Immediately there is a need to google about every film, to read analyzes, opinions, etc. It is nutritious food for thought.

Dodoni ice cream

Category : Archives, Ex-Projects
Date : March 21, 2016
Dodoni ice cream

Inviromental design για το κατάστημα Δωδώνη στην πόλη μας. Εφαρμογή στον τοίχο και στο ταβάνι. Flashback στο 2006! …

Αρχικά το σχέδιο


Και η εφαρμογή.





Emiliano Ponzi

Category : Archives, Various
Date : March 20, 2016
Emiliano Ponzi

Weekend inspiration by Emiliano Ponzi.
Emiliano Ponzi is based in Milan, Italy. His bold textured illustrations use repetition, a judicious use of line and strong graphic compositions to define and communicate the concept at hand. The play of visual metaphor and symbolism are continuous themes throughout his work.

Homer Case Study

Category : Archives, Ex-Projects
Date : March 19, 2016
Homer Case Study

Homer is a restaurant-bar set in a residence with garden. The name comes from the ancient poet Homer. Modern research, and especially those who accept that Homer can be considered real person places his life in the 8th century BC. We went back to that historic period and studied the Alphabet and the design of the letters. Then we designed the capital characters of a new helenic alphabet (A to Z) but in an archaic style. We called this series “boustrophedon”.In early ancient Greek years, words were written in rows from left to right and “boustrophedon”. That means that someone could start reading/writing the first line from left to right and the next line from right to left etc. (1st image)
Based on this
alphabet that we designed we began studying the characters for the word “Homer” (the restaurant). We designed characters with that archaic form, representing the words: residence, man, community, natural environment and cutlery. These words describe the features, location and philosophy of the company. We concluded to the following symbols and completed the Homer logo. (2nd image)







No Risk, Sleep Free!

Category : Archives, Various
Date : March 17, 2016
No Risk, Sleep Free!

Εχθές το βράδυ βγήκα με φίλους. Ανέλπιστη φάση για επαρχία. Θεατράκι και μάλιστα πολύ πολύ ωραίο -τι τύχη να μας επισκεφθεί ο Γάκης με το “Ρωμαίος και Ιουλιέτα για δύο” μεσοβδόμαδα, και τι τύχη να έχεις φίλους ηθοποιούς να στο θυμίζουν-. Μετά ποτάκι με swing υπόκρουση, ωραία παρέα και ωραία συζήτηση. Συζήτηση για το ρίσκο και τις ευθύνες στα επαγγέλματα. Αναρωτήθηκα αν πραγματικά έχει ρίσκο ή καλύτερα ευθύνη το επάγγελμα μας σε σχέση με αυτό ενός γιατρού, ενός δικηγόρου, ενός λογιστή. Φυσικά έχει, αλλά σε τι πλαίσια; Πόσο σημαντικό είναι το στρες που μπορεί να σου προκαλέσει μια ανωμαλία στη δουλειά αυτή; Πόση ευθύνη επωμίζεσαι; Τελικά ίσως το επάγγελμά μας είναι πολύ πιο εύκολο από άλλα, όμως όπως όλα θέλει κόπο, χρόνο και επένδυση σε αυτό για να το κάνεις καλά και να είσαι αποτελεσματικος. Αλλά όπως και να το κάνουμε έχεις την ευχέρεια πολλές μέρες το μήνα να επιστρέψεις σπίτι κουρασμένος αλλά ελεύθερος, να παίξεις με τον σύμβιο, τον σκύλο, το παιδί σου χωρίς τη σκιά κάποιας επαγγελματικής ευθύνης, να ταξιδέψεις ένα σαββατοκύριακο χωρίς να σκέφτεσαι αν κάποιου η ζωή εξαρτάται από εσένα και να δικαιούσαι -αν όχι υποχρεούσαι – να φτιάχνεις ιστορίες και να χτίζεις κόσμους φανταστικούς που θα τους βάλεις στην καθημερινότητα κάποιου …Μέχρι αυτός να σε γειώσει (ίσως)· να επιβάλεται να πηγαίνεις στο θέατρο, σε συναυλίες, να πρέπει να διαβάζεις, να ταξιδεύεις, να επισκέπτεσαι μουσεία, να παρακολουθείς καλλιτέχνες και τάσεις, να πειραματίζεσαι και πόσα ακόμη ευχάριστα “πρέπει”. Και κάπως έτσι με πήρε ο ύπνος και -το ομολογώ- κοιμήθηκα ελαφρά.

Το σύμπαν βέβαια πρέπει να ισορροπήσει οπότε έχει από καιρό φροντίσει να με φορτώσει με πολλές άλλες ευθύνες.



Category : Archives, Ex-Projects
Date : March 16, 2016

Oh! We love handmade stuff! So, some years ago, we handprinted the signs and the wine list catalogues of a wine bar, with stencils. Such fun!






Breathe, close your eyes and fly

Category : Archives, Ex-Projects
Date : March 15, 2016

Our first tiny but complete stop motion video. Created by Virginia Barakou / UPMESS in Exile Room stop motion animation workshop, Athens 2016.
“Dedicated to those who are on their journey to freedom”.

Το πρώτο ολοκληρωμένο -1 λεπτού- video που κατασκευάσαμε με την την τεχνκή του stop motion animation στα πλαίσια του workshop κινούμενης εικόνας του Exile Room – Αθήνα – Feb. 2016. Concept-Creation Virginia Barakou/UPMESS.
“Αφιερωμένο σε όλους, όσοι βρίσκονται στο ταξίδι προς την ελευθερία τους.”
