

Engi is a multiple-owner Engineering Services Agency.
Engi’s architects contacted Upmess for the brand identity.
Minimal, silent, yet bold the identity should communicate both the architectural and the engineering services.

The first thought was that it just needs a twist for a letter to be seen as both a character and an architectual form. 


For the mark, we knew we had to create a paradox. And then, Escher’s impossible objects came to mind. We worked on the capital letter E, so as to transform it into an impossible object, keeping its readability, adding a 3D perspective to express the fields of expertise of the agency.
For the lettering, we designed monospace characters that could work along or without the mark in various applications. Each monospace character occupies the same fixed amount of horizontal space, a design decision that brings out the mark and communicates the nature of the architectural and engineering design process.


The identity was applied to corporate brochures (business card, envelope, letterhead, A4 folder), signage, various prints (posters and banners), and digital applications (social media, mail cover).



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